So, play it safe by reducing some of them to ground level.

However, 'there is a risk that by leaving all the canes unpruned, the plants will not produce any new canes to fruit in the autumn,' he says. 'Canes that have been left unpruned with just the fruited tips cut out will probably produce a crop in late spring,' says John. If your backyard is limited in size and you only have the space for some small vegetable garden ideas, you can grow fall-bearing raspberries only and harvest a late spring and a fall crop once they are well established. (Image credit: Future) How to prune fall-bearing raspberries for two crops This way, the raspberry canes are secure in the face of the winter winds that could damage them. He then uses twine to tie the canes to the wires, weaving the shoots around them and fanning them out evenly along the wire at each level. Monty suggests growing summer-bearing raspberries against a permanent support system – he uses parallel wires firmly secured between robust posts. The strong shoots should then be tied to supports.

Take out smaller and awkwardly positioned growth. Reduce the new canes to the six strongest shoots, Monty recommends.It's these new canes that carry next summer’s crop, he reminds us. Gardener Monty Don (opens in new tab) focuses on the color of canes when he's pruning raspberries: it's the brown ones that need to be cut down to the ground, he says, with the fresh green canes left standing. Once summer-bearing (floricane) raspberries have finished cropping, cut the fruited canes back to near ground level, says the experts at Amateur Gardening.You might also want to have a trowel or a spade to hand, in case you need to dig up suckers.

You'll also need a pair of the best secateurs, and perhaps some of the best loppers, too. Garden expert Monty Don's growing picks include 'Malling Jewel', 'Glen Ample', and 'Glen Moy'.īefore you get started, you may prefer to wear gardening gloves when pruning raspberries, to protect your hands from their often prickly stems. There are plenty of summer-fruiting raspberries to choose from. (Image credit: Future) How to prune summer-bearing raspberries